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Pages: 1 2 Next. After only 3 hours of gameplay when I purchased the game several weeks ago, I have not played a single life since - albeit while watching a fair amount of OHOL content and reading this forum.
One of the reasons for that absence is the question of zoom mods, and my indecision about if I should use one. I have thoroughly read the old thread about Awbz' mod, and noted that some players found themselves unable to go back to the base game after using it enough. Some even claimed they would quit OHOL were the mod discontinued without alternative. I have played a couple of lives with the mod, but am afraid to use it more before figuring out if I want to play with mods long term.
My thoughts on that subject seem to boil down into experiencing the game as it was intended - specifically immersion. Nothing breaks immersion quite like loading map chunks - and zooming out far enough drastically depersonalizes the experience from my perspective.
That alone might be enough to keep me on the base game, but I have concerns about that - which is what brings me here. The utility of any zoom mod, let alone Awbz' masterpiece, is undeniable. It seems a problem that any player without the mod is notably less efficient and therefore less valuable to a village than they would be with the mod.
Avoiding it can almost be seen as preserving your game experience at the cost of your line's survival chances. Awbz' mod users are virtually playing a whole different game, which is especially true in terms of scouting, hunting, and griefing. It is that last point that gives me pause. I'm well aware that an experienced player can be an invaluable asset to a line without the mod - I've spent several hours watching Wolvenscar's stream, and I can't imagine one of his village members being disappointed with his contributions in most respects.
That being said, when faced with a mod-wielding griefer, he basically had to hope a friendly mod-user would deal with them. And I really can't argue with that - there was nothing else to be done. For the time being - and the next several dozen gameplay hours - I won't be much help against griefers anyway, except possibly noting their existence or being a witness if someone else confronts them. Even that much would be less common without the mod, but in the long run it appears near impossible to deal with intelligent griefers if they are the only one with the mod.
In short, I far and away prefer the immersion and aesthetic of the base game, but am concerned enough about mod griefers, and simply being useful to those around me that I am considering using the mod anyway.
Also, I don't consider it feasible to "use" the mod without zooming out until a griefer shows up - I'm either going to play the game in its purest form, or use mods for everything that they are worth. As far as I can tell, Jason is never going to change the base field of view, and he also cannot stop people from using client mods even if he wanted to - so this conundrum exists as long as the official servers do. I would be grateful for thoughts from anyone who has an opinion or comment on this subject, but specifically:.
If you have actively decided against using zoom mods - why did you do that, and what has your experience been when faced with griefers, and the other obstacles that are built in?
If you always, or sometimes use zoom mods - what made you decide to use them, and do you ever end up frustrated with the results of other village members not using one?
I'm going to make bold, sweeping changes. Two years from now, you will barely recognize One Hour One Life. There probably won't even be carrots anymore by then Only 3 hours of game play? You should try living out a handful of lives to old age, then mess around with the zoom out mod. Ultimately, I will end up doing just that over the coming weeks. This was mostly to ask for thoughts about whether veterans without the mod have been running into trouble with griefers as a result, and how they arrived at their decision to not use it.
Even if I become convinced that I'll be using the mod eventually, I will certainly be playing more hours without it to make sure - since it seems to be a one way decision for many.
Personally I find the zoom-out mod to be unfair for players who don't use it, since it's not built in the original game. It's why I don't use it. But what would be great is a GPS feature higher up in the tech tree that could be some official tool to see far beyond our view.
I think people pay way too much attention to the problem of griefers. Now and then I've had some difficulties getting things done that might have been due to malice, but could also just be noobishness. I have gotten murdered very rarely, and seen other people murdered on occasion. But mostly I don't really worry about it.
I just do my best to make the town better and to improve the in-game lives and out-of-game experiences of everyone around me, and I have a great time doing it. I play with 2x zoom. It makes the game feel less claustrophobic, less disconnected from other people, less separated from the environment, less isolated. A lot less, with only a modest zoom level. Texture popping isn't much of an issue for me. It happens sometimes but is not ubiquitous and definitely doesn't ruin my immersion and immersion is a big deal for me.
I benefit somewhat from the "magical ability" that zooming gives you; I can be considerably more efficient at gathering, whether it's soil or milkweed or iron or even food feeding yourself when gathering is a major concern!
But I don't feel like I've removed the challenge inherent in gathering Playing at higher than 2x made the game worse for me, not better. I could see more of my surroundings, but I lost the immersive connection to my avatar , i.
I got out of touch with myself. But playing at 2x rather than 1x made the game much better for me, not worse.
Jason has his reasons for having such a restricted view. I think I understand them, and I agree with them, but I think he missed the sweet spot.
I think I have found it. If you feel like 1x is your sweet spot for immersive and aesthetic reasons, then if I were you I would play that way and give no thought whatsoever to how much more effectively you could do certain tasks if you zoomed out. The game is not about building the perfect civilization in the most efficient manner possible.
I do honestly think I would prefer 2x to 1x, as I also agree with the widespread sentiment that the standard FOV is too restrictive. During my very limited lives with the mod, I seem to recall spending a considerable amount of time around camp on that setting. That said, in order to play at 2x I would need to be using a mod that only included the 2x zoom out.
I am under the impression that any such mods no longer exist. Using Awbz' mod only for a specific zoom level is not something I think I could pull off - I'd end up varying the zoom as convenience demanded.
Are you simply using Awbz' mod and keeping it on 2x with the info panel down, or do you use a different mod entirely? It doesn't change by itself. I'm not sure I understand the question. If you're saying you would be tempted to keep altering the zoom level as circumstances warrant, all I can say is I've never felt any desire to do so. I tried different zoom levels, decided I liked 2x the best, set it there, and left it there.
You should use one mostly because it helps you see more things at 2x comfortably, and when you need to see something that is farther just zoom out quickly and zoom back in. The Mods make this nearly imo unplayable base game playable.
Been playing since April without any zoom mod. I agree it is unfair to others who lack the mod, but it would be really useful avoiding predators on iron runs or the like. You should give it a try.
What's more, I frequently scout, explore, scavenge, and am better than most at living off the land. You really don't need the mod. The one time my Eve start town was short on iron, I spent a dramatic 20 minutes scouting for iron, and came back reporting it was really difficult to find.
Someone paused a second, clearly checking the mod, and then reported "there's a vein southeast". In comparison to my lengthy experience scouting for it, the mod check was anti-clamatic.
But when I passed on this knowledge to the only surviving females mother and daughter as I was dying, it seemed well worth the compromise. But that's the thing If its not an established town, well, you have a right to play the game on hard mode, without worrying about how its impacting other peoples survival. I have killed griefers, and regularly thwart them by cleaning away the obnoxious "bowl of salt water" and other visual duplicates. I think I'm better than most at dealing with the subtle forms of griefing, because I am always looking at the screen in regular zoom.
I'm not as good at dealing with griefers with arrows, but usually they want to stay and gloat anyway. That's kinda the payoff for griefing. I have killed bears multiple times, and lead them away from my village without getting eaten. I guess my point is you can get plenty good at playing this game without the mod, given time and interest. I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.
I strongly recommend that you spend as much time as possible playing without the mod until you are frustrated or getting bored. Let me explain further. What was fun at first was the difficulty of the game at the native fov, the threats of the wild animals, the gathering and the food. It really feels like a survival game and all especially as eve, it is so difficult to set foot in ground and die of age. I spent over h with default fov and it was a great time until Until you get killed several times by sneaky sneks behind trees, sniping boars that travel max range right onto you WHILE you have a very high tech item for your town like a cart or horse just to lose it full of resources or something I don't mind dying like that when it's fair and all and after so much time at default fov I, dide have mastered the avoiding wild animals tactics but those can still happen.
When it's because of the situations mentionned before it's hard to not be tempted by mod But again, the base game is still great and challenging but once you hit a point where you wanna quit or feel like you've seen all, the mod can be nice to use.
As for the griefers, a smart one will be annoying and hard to catch with or without mod. With or without the mod, the pvp is pretty much the same, the hardest part of the pvp is usally the lag while chasing someone, it's hard to stab them unless they have the murderer slowdown since they have to stop moving to be stab most of the time. Best way to counter those is usually set up a bunch of meds and have people trainned for it as most grieffers are more focused on killing.
One hour one life zoom mod download
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. In game and out of game I heard constant talk about this zoom about mod and how much easier it makes the game.
Why allow certain players benefits over others? The zoom out mod from what ive heard is avalible to overal the normal game mode,but isnt mentioned anywhere on the forms? Im very confused whether ссылка на страницу is against the rules, or where to download it. Showing 1 - 12 of 12 comments.
Smeester View Profile Zoom app meeting time Posts. This game is open source. Which means anyone can download the code, and mod it. The zoom-out mod was maintained for a long time, not sure it is any more. Jason has said he doesn't really like it, but that is the nature of the game and one hour one life zoom mod download he's produced. The only official mod that I'm aware of is a reluctantly-made nudity-removal mod Jason made for those who need zoom conference windows download for Youtube or other censorship issues.
But читать статью really doesn't like that, so it's not an ingame option to just switch on. Aisar View Profile View Posts. In my opinion the game is unplayable without the mod, I honest to god can't see how anyone plays with the default zoom level.
It's bad enough that you can't see anything with the default zoom but it makes trying to move around a nightmare. Not to mention milkweed is often so hard to find. Even zoomed out to the max I often spend minutes just looking for a couple one hour one life zoom mod download plants for thread or rope.
The disconnect between this developer and the game he's made is shocking. The mod also has hotkeys for expressions which is awesome and some other quality of life features. Mainly though it's for the reasonable zoom level and the facial expressions. Also you don't need to hit enter to start typing if that's a thing that you would want. Last edited by Aisar ; 18 Nov, am. Coconutsales View Profile View Posts.
The zoom out mod is the only way to play. Unless ya like zigzagging for half your life trying to find something Only thing I don't like is the automatic naming system. Last edited by Coconutsales ; 18 Nov, am. Jeck View Profile View Posts. Yeah, you need the zoom to play, otherwise lag snakes will inevitably get you one hour one life zoom mod download or later.
Thank you for help all. Alex View Profile View Posts. I always played without using any mod, and never had problems. Personally I find the zoom-out нажмите для деталей to be an unfair advantage over players who don't use it, knowing it's not part of the official game.
In real life, it would impossible to know what's on the ground at a great distance before being closer to it. Last edited by Alex ; 5 Jan, am. No gf View Profile View Posts. You zoom out you dies to mosquito. It's a fair game. I used to play without the mod for many months, until Jason cut down ground ore in a weird nerf. To counter that, I got the нажмите для продолжения, and never looked back. If people want to waste their time to running into directions, hoping to find items and right biomes, go right ahead.
To me, this game has too much RNG to waste my time to moving around like a near-sighted one hour one life zoom mod download. The mod makes me more effecient which in turn helps everyone. I have even fetched tools griefers tried to hide, while nobody even noticed. I played a life with the zoomed in level as a test how it feels now; it made me dizzy. It's too zoomed in in the vanilla game. Originally posted by No gf :. Last edited by ShufflePlay ; 5 Jan, pm.
I don't know, I think it is pretty common to be bitten by a mosquito without realizing it IRL too. Tarr View Profile View Posts. Nova View Profile View Posts. Fatelord View Profile View Posts. Zooming out is helpful to travel long distances. I wish it was incorporated into a master patch in the future. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 18 Nov, am.
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